Everyone has a responsibility to help provide a safe and positive environment and to keep children and other vulnerable people safe from harm or abuse. This principle applies to our staff, helpers, parents, facility staff and anyone else involved at SOLECH Academy, and they must know and play their part in this.
SOLECH Academy takes its ‘safeguarding’ responsibilities (also known as child protection) very seriously in this area wherever they are in the world and this means we are wholly committed to:
• Listening to players, parents, and promoting their right to be and feel safe.
• Putting children, their needs and their safety and welfare first.
• Getting the right people involved through safe recruitment and training.
• Creating a safe environment for all participants, visitors and staff; and, having and promoting clear systems to deal with any issues or concerns.
As such, SOLECH Academy applies all the requirements of the Safeguarding Policy. We also ensure that we meet all relevant laws and regulations regarding child protection policy in Uganda as part of the program. SOLECH Academy is also committed to helping keep children safe when using the internet.
In case of any concern about the welfare of a player or the behavior of a member of SOLECH Academy staff or any other adult towards a player, please contact the designated Safeguarding Officer (Opio Sam) and we will take your concerns very seriously. You can also email us at info@solechacademy.com. solechacdemy@gmail.com